Monday, January 23, 2012

Atlantic Wins IC System at Sands Point Golf Club

Sands Point Golf Club is located in historic Sands Point on Long Island's North Shore, and is a great example of famous architect A.W. Tillinghast's work.  This course is about to undergo a major restoration and hired Jim Blaukovitch to design new irrigation that is sensitive to the pending restoration.  Jim suggested that Rain Bird's new IC system would be the perfect system since it would be easily tied into when the tees and bunkers get renovated.   National Lawn Sprinkler has been chosen to install the system and as of late December 2011, work has begun.  We are excited to be involved on this one and is now our second IC system to be installed on Long Island.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Atlantic assisting with changes at Lakewood

Lakewood Country Club in Lakewood, NJ is one of the oldest golf courses in the region but soon it will have one of the newest irrigation control systems. Lakewood is upgrading to the latest Par+ES controllers and a Stratus 2 central. The new controls will operate the existing irrigation system which has gradually been switching over to new Eagle sprinklers as well. Also this winter a pump station control panel upgrade will also take place. Atlantic is thrilled to become Lakewood's preferred irrigation supplier and we are glad to be part of the future success of this historic facility.